
F fb L.


Urghh serious shit i hate mask! The feeling is so damn yuckie!
*but..okay no b-u-t ! -.-

Duhh..bluesy again. -.-
*haha shuan busy doing her revision and me doing girly stuff , life is so unfair :)


Since i can't log in into my fucking facebook than i blog la. Since i got nothing to blog than i post photos la. Since i got NO photo than i take now la.

Gotcha! Haha took it yesterday la. (Do you ever like, care about it? duhh.) -.-

Zen, my favorite cause he's kinda funny sometimes..*cough* everytime :D

Zen accidentally fuck up everyone.

After getting tired he hide underneath the table cause i was like forcing him to photobooth with me again and again, never end :P

So i cheated him.
Me: See this see this, my face look so fungly. >D
Zen: Where? ._.

He's so going to kill me HAHA! tsk tsk i'm such a evil devil..vegetable. Ah so familiar -.-

fb still hanging on me wth.

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