
Food Blogger?

Well well, i was told to become a food blogger instead posting silly pictures with some random words. I wasn't sure why they said so but come on, it's kinda hard you know, imagine you have to blog all about food once or twice a month (for being hyper lazy), how easy for me to get fat? Duhh..bad thought.

So, better forget about it. Btw ytd's dinner is fkin nom! :D

This is bloody delicious! The yellowish thingy is sweet and sour sauce :)

Blueberry pai guat. Surprisingly it taste better than what i'd thought, something like marmite + honey pai guat ;D

Uhm, no idea what's that just some normal dishes -.-
( food blogger? fail max. )

Uhm nope, it's sparkling juice laa ;D

im too boring that's why i blog.

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