
Day 15

incredibly fair, cool (; ok back to title.

Guess you get the meaning of Day 15 yes no? If is no youre probably so not my friend. duh damn weak HAHA. Yes it refer to spm aka latest war i'm fighting with. Three sumos subjects i'd beaten up physic and chemist left only bio. All i gotto say is, die. Die hard. Die like you'll never ever imagined. But nevermind laa since i'm not doing any job related to science in future also, so, ok shit. why not i taking art -__- idiot even my friend is taking. Ok decision switched : Dentist! why? can earn more plus no need touch those organ organ eww-ie stuffs (: (: oh oh and no need to study bones / brain and whatever is complicated! ( guess have to, according to my aunt ) um, bye i go suicide.

bah bah black sheep have you hgjfkdhr (does anyone really know what's going on after the you word?)

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